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From 25 Countries to the Global Stage: Wittenborg’s Summer Graduation Ceremony Celebrates Diversity

From 25 Countries to the Global Stage: Wittenborg’s Summer Graduation Ceremony Celebrates Diversity
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From 25 Countries to the Global Stage: Wittenborg’s Summer Graduation Ceremony Celebrates Diversity

From 25 Countries to the Global Stage: Wittenborg’s Summer Graduation Ceremony Celebrates Diversity

MBA, MBM, and BBA Graduates from 25 Countries Attend Summer Graduation  

On 12 July, the Grote Kerk in Apeldoorn was filled with excitement as 131 students from 25 countries gathered to celebrate their graduation from Wittenborg. This memorable summer graduation ceremony highlighted the diverse and international nature of the Wittenborg community, with graduates from the Amsterdam, Apeldoorn and Munich study locations. 

Dr Cara Antoine, the keynote speaker and Executive Vice President and Chief Technology, Innovation & Portfolio Officer at Capgemini, kicked off the event with an inspiring address. Antoine, also the author of the Amazon bestseller Make it Personal, encouraged the graduates to embrace the theme of “Be the First”.

“At 14, I became the first girl in my school to delve into electrical engineering,” Antoine shared. “It was daunting, yet exhilarating. I found confidence in the unwavering belief of my teacher who said four important words to me: ‘I believe in you.’ Those words transformed my path and instilled in me the conviction that I could achieve anything I set my mind to.”

She went on to reflect on her own experiences as a trailblazer, from her early days in a male-dominated field to becoming the first female Chief Technology & Innovation Officer at her company. “Being the first often involves being a catalyst for positive change,” she explained. “It’s not merely about reaching a milestone but about creating a path for others to follow.”

Antoine also presented her book as a gift to the graduates and took the time to sign each copy personally. She later shared her favourite moments from the ceremony: “My favourite moment was witnessing the joy and pride on the faces of the graduates as they walked across the stage to receive their diplomas. It was a powerful reminder of the dedication and hard work each student invested in their education, and it was truly moving to see their achievements celebrated.”

She also expressed her fulfilment in seeing the graduates’ reactions to her speech. “Their enthusiasm and positive energy were palpable, and it was heartwarming to know that my words resonated with them. The opportunity to connect with such a talented and driven group of individuals left me inspired and hopeful for the future they will create.”

From 25 Countries to the Global Stage: Wittenborg’s Summer Graduation Ceremony Celebrates Diversity

Dadi Chen, Deputy Head of the School of Business, also gave a speech and welcomed the Master of Business Administration students to the stage. Chen praised the graduates for their outstanding achievements and reflected on their journey over the past two years in the Netherlands. He highlighted the rapid development of Wittenborg’s educational programmes and emphasised the graduates’ role in shaping a sustainable and prosperous future. “You are graduating during a pivotal moment,” Chen stated. “The world needs change more than ever to become more peaceful, prosperous, and very importantly, more sustainable. The world needs future leaders who can navigate complexity and forge solutions to our challenges.”

The ceremony concluded with a heartfelt address by Maggie Feng, CEO of Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences. Feng marked the occasion as her first official address at a Wittenborg graduation ceremony, saying, “You are the first to witness my official talk at a Wittenborg graduation ceremony, so give yourselves a round of applause.”

Drawing from her 20+ years of career experience, Feng shared insightful advice on the importance of love, honesty, and trust. “Love is what you want to be surrounded with,” she said, emphasising how positive emotions can lead to opportunities and success. She also spoke about the necessity of authenticity and being true to oneself, rather than focusing on superficial appearances. “Be truthful and faithful, and always strive to improve yourself,” she advised. Feng concluded her address with a call for graduates to be responsible individuals who build trust and spread love, stating, “Be a good person, a responsible one, who deserves all types of love. We love you all! Thank you.”

As the formal part of the ceremony came to a close, the event transitioned into a celebration with drinks and snacks, allowing graduates, faculty and guests to mingle and commemorate the occasion. 

From 25 Countries to the Global Stage: Wittenborg’s Summer Graduation Ceremony Celebrates Diversity

Ikheloa Henry, one of the graduates from Nigeria, reflected on his transformative experience at Wittenborg. 

“Receiving a diploma in Entrepreneurship and Innovation is an exhilarating experience. Walking across the stage felt like a culmination of hard work, dedication and perseverance,” he shared. 

Henry plans to advance his career in the automotive industry, focusing on roles that blend technical expertise with customer service, and he expressed an interest in lecturing. 

Arash Radmehr, a graduate from Iran who completed a BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) in Marketing and Communications, also reflected on this significant milestone.

“Walking across the stage and receiving my diploma was one of the greatest moments of my life,” he said. “The feeling of accomplishment and finally achieving what I came here to the Netherlands to achieve three years ago was beyond joyful!”

From 25 Countries to the Global Stage: Wittenborg’s Summer Graduation Ceremony Celebrates Diversity

Radmehr described his time at Wittenborg in three chapters: “‘Fitting in,’ during my first year as I adjusted to a new country and formed my social network. ‘Figuring out,’ in my second year, focusing on self-improvement and understanding how to succeed as an international student. Finally, ‘flourishing,’ in my third year, marked by completing my thesis, fulfilling an internship, and receiving a potential job offer.”  

WUP 23/07/2024 
by Erene Roux 
©WUAS Press

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