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Increased Work Opportunities for Foreign Student Graduates in the Netherlands
Increased Work Opportunities for Foreign Student Graduates in the Netherlands
by Wittenborg News -
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Increased Work Opportunities for Foreign Student Graduates in the Netherlands
The Netherlands Government has announced new employment regulations for international students graduating from Dutch institutions of Higher Education.
This will make it easier for Wittenborg students to remain with the Work Placement companies after graduation.
International students who graduate in the Netherlands will be given more opportunities to look for work after completing their studies.
The government is to give them 12 months to look for work following graduation, rather than the current three months. The minimum qualifying starting salary will also be lowered to 25,000 euro. The admission procedures will be simplified too.These changes were announced by the Dutch government on 15 June.
They are designed to help non-EU nationals, as EU citizens are already free to look for work and take up residence in any other EU member state.
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