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Can young, aspiring entrepreneurs best learn entrepreneurship through experience, apprenticeship or a degree programme?
Can young, aspiring entrepreneurs best learn entrepreneurship through experience, apprenticeship or a degree programme?
by Wittenborg News -
Number of replies: 0
Vote here: http://polls.linkedin.com/p/106638/sbuud (LinkedIn)
Question: Can young, aspiring entrepreneurs best learn entrepreneurship through experience, apprenticeship or a degree programme?
This poll is part of the preparation for the launch of the new Wittenborg Bachelor Degree Entrepreneurial Business Administration (EBA) - a Bachelor of Business Administration in Entrepreneurship.
Possible answers:
- Only by experience
- Through a traditional business degree
- By working for another entrepreneur
- Combined degree & apprenticeship
- Self study, online degree
Vote here: http://polls.linkedin.com/p/106638/sbuud (LinkedIn)
84 words