Wittenborg Online News!
Students Union Organises Bowling Event after Tough Exam Week!
Students Union Organises Bowling Event after Tough Exam Week!
Work and Play!
Wittenborg’s yearly programming is flexible but business-like. Our academic year at Wittenborg consists of 40 academic weeks, with six 6-week blocks and two 2-week retake exam periods. Most first and second phase Bachelor IBA modules are taught in blocks of six weeks, requiring students to dive into the course material in depth during five weeks of classes and projects and rounding off the modules with examinations in the sixth week. This means that the Exam week is a tough part of the block, but can result in complete modules being finished!
During the first week of October the examinations of Block 1 took place. For students this means five days of multiple choice questions, essay writing and presentations, in order to complete this part of the programme.
So, to relieve the strain and stress after such an intensive week of examinations, Wittenborg’s Students Union invited students and staff to a traditional bowling evening. Once everyone was fitted with a pair of highly fashionable blue and red shoes, new bowling techniques were developed and bowling talents discovered. With a few drinks and fun music, the tone was set for a good night in town to relax and have fun. Enjoy the weekend, for Monday Block 2 starts immediately …Wittenborg Students Union
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