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Introduction Days: Why should I attend the Introduction Days?

(Last edited: Monday, 31 January 2022, 4:50 PM)

Wittenborg offers students an introduction day to make sure students have all the information and documents they need to start their education at the university.


Introduction Week consists of three parts.

Wednesday: For International Students

International students will receive all information and documentation regarding registration in the Netherlands. The Wittenborg Front Desk will also provide information about living in the city, and all legal registration information. On this day, there is an ICT session for all new students to learn how to use Online area and know about their specialisation and modules. This is a very important session and students should not miss it.

Thursday: General Introduction Day

The general introduction is mandatory for all students of Wittenborg. Front Desk will collect the names of all students for attendance. They will also explain what can be expected on the day. On the introduction day there will also be a lunch arranged with pictures.

Introduction day will end around 14:00.

Friday morningFor All Students

Students will have two sessions: academic English and Harvard referencing. The English writing diagnostic test will also take place on Friday of the introduction week. 

If students have missed parts of the introduction day, catch-up may be done in Project Week.


» FAQ Studying @ Wittenborg