Work Placement/Internships: How can I apply for internships?
(Last edited: Monday, 22 March 2021, 5:29 PM)
An important step in Wittenborg studies is the internship/work placement and achieving work experience related to your studies at Wittenborg. You can find information pertaining to Work Placement/Internship on the Work Placement (WP) Module online area. You need to first enrol in this module using the enrolment key. It is important that you thoroughly familiarise yourself with the pre-requisites, procedures and instructions before starting the WP/Internship. The Work Placement Handbook (EEG Part 7), which can be found on the online area, contain all the necessary information.
Basically, these are the steps that you need to follow:
1) Enrol in the WP Module using the enrolment key
2) Read the WP Handbook and ensure that you have met all the pre-requisites. You cannot start your WP if you have not fulfilled all the required pre-requisites
3) Register on the search platforms and search for suitable internship opportunities: Wittenborgconnect:
Students can also use other external platforms such as LinkedIn,, or other employment agencies (take note that these agencies may charge a service fee)
4) Once you've found a suitable internship opportunity, send your application and CV directly to the employer. If you are accepted, the employer should provide you with a signed acceptance letter/contract
5) Send your WP request to external relations via the online WP Request Form. You need to submit this form and upload all the required documents
6) Once your WP request is approved (the processing period can take between 3-5 days) and the Nuffic Agreement is signed, you can officially start your WP
If you still have questions even after reading the WP Handbook, contact the WP team at When sending queries, always provide your full name and student number. If necessary, you can set an appointment to meet with any of the staffs.
Important: Always try to find the answers to your questions by first using the official information provided online - this is also a key element of acquiring professionalism.