Tuberculosis (TB) Test: Do I need to take a TB test?
(Last edited: Tuesday, 20 June 2023, 2:34 PM)
Almost all non-Dutch passport holders who will stay in the Netherlands for more than 3 months are obliged to make an appointment at GGD "Gemeentelijke Gezondheidsdienst” (Area Health Service) to undergo a checkup for TBC (Tuberculosis). Wittenborg Administration checks whether students are obliged to have the TB test or not, and you will be informed accordingly. If you live in Amsterdam, you can make an appointment on your own.
If you live in another city, you can search online the nearest hospital that offers TB test screening.
Most non-EU students and students from some other countries do not need to have a tuberculosis test. You can click on the following link to find out which countries' nationals are exempt from the test
For students who live in Amsterdam, please note that you can only be seen if you have an appointment. You can call 020-555 5240 Monday to Friday, between 09:00 and 11:00, and between 13:30 and 16:30.
Please complete the referral form before you make an appointment. Here is the link: