Emergency Contacts: Where can I find important telephone numbers in case of emergencies?
(Last edited: Wednesday, 5 April 2023, 12:41 PM)
If you are staying at Wittenborg’s accommodation, the student housing information booklet placed inside your room and in the common area also contains emergency numbers in case of urgent needs. This information can be found in the first page and contains numbers of Wittenborg Housing Department, Police, Fire Brigade and Hospital.
(Urgent Emergency) Police, Ambulance, Fire Brigade: 112
Note: Only call 112 when there is an urgent matter that cannot wait. Calling 112 unnecessarily is a crime in the Netherlands, and you may be fined for wasting the time of the emergency services. The person who answers your call will ask your name, location of the emergency and what kind of emergency is taking place. If they deem it necessary, they will send the relevant emergency services.
(Non-Emergency) Medical Services Apeldoorn: 0900-600 9000
(Non-Emergency) Medical Services Amsterdam: 088-00 30 600
In case of non-emergency health problems, you can call the office of the doctor you are registered at. They will tell you what to do from then. If you are not registered with a doctor, make sure to ask the Front Desk to organise that for you at frontdesk@wittenborg.eu. If someone has a major health issue out of office hours or is not registered with a doctor, they can call the Huisartsenpost in ApeldoornHuisartsenpost in Amsterdam. They will give you instructions on what to do next.
Note: Do not go to the emergency room/hospital without calling the Huisartsenpost first. This will not be covered by the insurance and it will take a lot of time before they can help.
(Non-Emergency) Police: 0900 8844
(Non-Emergency) Fire Brigade Apeldoorn: 055-548 3555
(Non-Emergency) Fire Brigade Whole of the Netherlands: 0900-0904
Note: You can call the non-emergency Fire Brigade number for things like fallen trees, cats stuck in trees for longer than 48 hours or other non-life threatening occurrences which require the Fire Brigade to visit the scene. In the event of all fires, no matter how small, always call 112.
Suicide Prevention: 113 or 0800-0113
Note: This number is for people experiencing distressing thoughts of self-harm. For active medical emergencies, always call 112. For help in your own language, you may find resources here and here.
You can find more basic information about living in the Netherlands from
Wittenborg-online, on your Dashboard under the title ‘Information for
International Students in the Netherlands or through this link: https://www.wittenborg-online.com/enrol/index.php?id=1183