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Tuition Fee: Do I have to pay full tuition fee to Wittenborg until block 8 if I am following single degree Brighton or Double degree Brighton?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 16 September 2020, 7:51 PM)

If you are a double degree student and has just started the double degree programme, you will need at least a full year to graduate. This is because the modules from Brighton are spread across the year, and Brighton does not work with the block system, so you cannot graduate earlier. Even if your classes end in June and you have handed in your thesis, you will still be registered as a student. You will officially graduate only when all the results are published, which will be in July/August. Therefore you will be invoiced until block 8.

If you are following a single degree Brighton programme, you still need to pay the full tuition fee to us until block 8. This is because in order to follow the Brighton program you have to be fully registered at Wittenborg officially and legally as a student. The modules are also co-taught by Wittenborg and Brighton. The annual tuition fee for both single degree and double degree is the same so whichever degree you are following, you will pay the same fee.

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