GA/FP: How many meetings can I have with my supervisor?
(Last edited: Monday, 28 June 2021, 10:07 AM)
There is no specific limit, but you can always contact your Academic Supervisor if it is required. However, according to the EEG Part 8, "Supervisors are allocated a total of 14 hours per student, which includes marking. Supervisors can expect regular, punctual attendance at Academic Supervisorial meetings. Try to avoid 'dropping in' to supervisors’ offices and quickly asking for advice since the supervisor may need time to reflect on your questions.
Students must come fully prepared to Academic Supervisorial meetings, which means that you have read around the subject area, and/or have drafts of material that need to be consulted." It is advisable to send the materials for discussion to the supervisors at least one or two working days before the meeting (depending on the working routine of the supervisors).