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Calculating GPA from Osiris

(Last edited: Friday, 31 May 2024, 10:01 AM)

To obtain your GPA, you may access it through the student portal.

Step 1: Go to OSIRIS

Log in to the OSIRIS portal using your credentials.


Step 2: Select "Progress"

On the tabs above, select the "Progress" tab.

Under that section, go to "Study Progress Overview"


Step 3: Filter Results:

Select the option "Only print test results that count".


Step 4: Download the File

Download the file containing your grades and course information.


Step 5: Sum the Grades

Add all the grades together for the modules that you have passed (grades above 5.5).

Ensure you only include each module once, removing any duplicates.


Step 6: Count the Modules

Determine how many unique modules you have completed and cleared (passed with a grade above 5.5).

Divide the total sum of the grades by the number of unique modules.


 Example Calculation

Let's assume you have the following grades for your modules:

  • BL11: 7.0
  • BL12: 8.0
  • FIN11: 6.5
  • FIN22: 7.5
  • Duplicate of BL11 (should be removed)
  • Sum the Grades:
  • 7.0 (BL11) + 8.0 (BL12) + 6.5 (FIN11) + 7.5 (FIN22) = 29.0
  • Count the Modules:
  • 4 unique modules (BL11, BL12, FIN11, FIN22)
  • Calculate the GPA:
  • GPA = 29.0 / 4 = 7.25

The GPA would be 7.25.

By following these steps, you can accurately calculate your GPA using the grades retrieved from OSIRIS.

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